Profilbild Tobias Ott
  • Tobias Ott


  • Firma

    Swissgrid AG

  • Berufserfahrung

    03.2014 - 06.2016

    Control System Engineer

    04.2010 - 02.2014

    PhD Student / Research Assistant

    ETH Zürich, Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control
    06.2009 - 09.2009


    Wampfler Conductix
    10.2007 - 12.2009

    Teaching Assistant

    ETH Zürich, Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control
    10.2006 - 07.2007

    Teaching Assistant

    ETH Zürich, Institute for Machine Tools and Manufacturing
    08.2005 - 12.2006

    Truck Driver

    Galliker Transport & Logistics

    Specialist TSO Markets Development

    Swissgrid AG

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