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Holiday Inn Express Kaiserslautern, an IHG Hotel
Branche: Hotels in Kaiserslautern- Anbieter bewertenFotos hinzufügen
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- ÖffnungszeitenMontag00:00-24:00Dienstag00:00-24:00Mittwoch00:00-24:00Donnerstag00:00-24:00Freitag00:00-24:00Samstag00:00-24:00Sonntag00:00-24:00
A modern express hotel in Kaiserslautern called town of BarbarossaThe Holiday Inn Express® Kaiserslautern hotel is set in the Town of Barbarossa in the middle of Palatinate Forrest, 62 miles from Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) and 5 minutes off the A6 motorway. There's plentiful on-site parking and the town centre is a thirty-minute walk away. Kaiserslautern railway main station is 2. 7 miles away, with frequent trains to Mannheim, Frankfurt and Saarbrücken. The hotel makes a convenient business venue with 2 well-equipped conference rooms and free Wi-Fi. You can host a conference or meeting for up to 40 guests. Audio visual equipment and catering options are available on request. Kaiserslautern provides for every person something special. Historically interested people discover the history of the town. Soccer friends knowing the traditional Soccer Club 1. FC Kaiserslautern, Fritz-Walter-Stadion and the Betzenberg . Kaiserslautern is known as industry, science, university and technology centre in region. But the biggest employer in town is the US Army with the biggest Air Base in Europe Ramstein. Families enjoy the Dino Park (Gardenshow), the Japanese Garden or the Palatinate Park with it's attractions and animals. Walker love the wide of the Palatinate Forrest and it's trails. Various events and concerts can be viewed in the Kammgarn Area. .. .
Der Eintrag kann vom Verlag und Dritten recherchierte Inhalte bzw. Services enthalten.
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- Weitere Schreibweisen der Rufnummer0631 3410330, +49 631 3410330, +496313410330, 06313410330
- Häufig gestellte FragenWie lautet die Adresse von Holiday Inn Express Kaiserslautern, an IHG Hotel?Die Adresse von Holiday Inn Express Kaiserslautern, an IHG Hotel lautet: Strassburger Allee 10, 67657 KaiserslauternWie sind die Öffnungszeiten von Holiday Inn Express Kaiserslautern, an IHG Hotel?Holiday Inn Express Kaiserslautern, an IHG Hotel hat montags bis sonntags von 00:00 - 24:00 Uhr geöffnet.
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