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    • Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel

      Moskauer StraßE 30
      40227 Düsseldorf - Oberbilk
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      Kundenbild groß 1 Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel
      Kundenbild groß 2 Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel
      Kundenbild groß 3 Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel
      Kundenbild groß 4 Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel
      Kundenbild groß 5 Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel
      Kundenbild groß 6 Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel
      Kundenbild groß 7 Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel
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    • Öffnungszeiten
    • The Holiday Inn Express Duesseldorf Hauptbahnhof is within walking distance of Main Train Station and 20 minutes from the famous KÖ. Our 455 rooms are ideal to stay for your business or city trip. Duesseldorf City Center impresses with a diverse range of restaurants and other gastronomy offers. The S-Bahn stop Hauptbanhof is within 5 min walking distance with connections to Altstadt, with attractions of the KÖ, Rheinturm, as well as the Medienhafen with his famous Gehry Builduings, or the museums like Classic Remise or Kunstpalast. We are also very close to the Duesseldorf Airport which is only 20 minutes away by car or 25 min by train, or the Duesseldorf trade fair which is 15 minutes by car. At this hotel, you can enjoy: - Inclusive Wi-Fi- On-site parking for a daily fee- An inclusive Express Start breakfast Our comfortable, soundproofed guest rooms all come with blackout shades and a choice of pillows to help you sleep. There's a desk for work and satellite TV for when you're off duty. Our inclusive breakfast buffet sets you up nicely for a day of meetings or sightseeing. Direct next to us is a nice Park which can be used for your daily run or for a picnic as well as some supermarkets and international restaurants. .. .

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    • Weitere Schreibweisen der Rufnummer
      0211 900650, +49 211 900650, +49211900650, 0211900650
    • Häufig gestellte Fragen
      Wie lautet die Adresse von Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel?
      Die Adresse von Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel lautet: Moskauer StraßE 30, 40227 Düsseldorf
      Wie sind die Öffnungszeiten von Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel?
      Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel hat montags bis sonntags von 00:00 - 24:00 Uhr geöffnet.
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    Logo DTM Deutsche Tele Medien GmbH
    Holiday Inn Express Düsseldorf - Hauptbahnhof, an IHG Hotel0211 90 06 50DüsseldorfMoskauer StraßE 3040227Oberbilk