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Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel
Branche: Hotels in Neuss- Anbieter bewertenFotos hinzufügen
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- Öffnungszeiten von GOLOCAL*Montag00:00-24:00Dienstag00:00-24:00Mittwoch00:00-24:00Donnerstag00:00-24:00Freitag00:00-24:00Samstag00:00-24:00Sonntag00:00-24:00
Quiet Neuss hotel with large rooms, Open Lobby and fast tram access to the heart of Dusseldorf
Holiday Inn® Dusseldorf - Neuss hotel is a short walk from the historic centre of Neuss. From the Langemarckstrasse tram station, just 10 minutes' walk away, it's a 15-minute ride to Dusseldorf city centre. The hotel has an underground car park and Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) is 20 minutes away by car. Visit the luxury boutiques of Konigsallee, the bars of Altstadt or stroll along the Rhine promenade. Neuss, one of the oldest cities in Germany, offers a wealth of cultural opportunities. Shopping is close by too, at Rheinpark Neuss shopping centre. Host up to 350 guests in the hotel's six naturally lit meeting rooms. The Toshiba and 3M company headquarters are nearby and it's a 20-minute drive to the CCD Congress Centre and Messe Dusseldorf. At this hotel you can enjoy: - Inclusive WiFi- On-site parking at a daily fee- Sauna and recreation room- All Day Dining- Kids stay & eat freeThe modernly furnished rooms and suites feature a pillow menu for a perfect night's sleep and are all equipped with a corner sofa. Start the day with a generous breakfast buffet at the hotel's modern Amaroso Restaurant with garden terrace, which also serves lunch and dinner. Relax in the sauna before enjoying a drink in the Sports Bar with Biergarten. - *golocal ist offizieller Partner von Das Örtliche. Bei den genannten Informationen handelt es sich um Nutzermeldungen, die nicht redaktionell geprüft werden.
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Holiday Inn
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Gründungsjahr1994Facebook FirmenseiteTwitter NameholidayinnBeschreibungQuiet Neuss hotel with large rooms, Open Lobby and fast tram access to the heart of Dusseldorf Holiday Inn® Dusseldorf - Neuss hotel is a short walk from the historic centre of Neuss. From the Langemarckstrasse tram station, just 10 minutes' walk away, it's a 15-minute ride to Dusseldorf city centre. The hotel has an underground car park and Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) is 20 minutes away by car. Visit the luxury boutiques of Konigsallee, the bars of Altstadt or stroll along the Rhine promenade. Neuss, one of the oldest cities in Germany, offers a wealth of cultural opportunities. Shopping is close by too, at Rheinpark Neuss shopping centre. Host up to 350 guests in the hotel's six naturally lit meeting rooms. The Toshiba and 3M company headquarters are nearby and it's a 20-minute drive to the CCD Congress Centre and Messe Dusseldorf.At this hotel you can enjoy:- Inclusive WiFi- On-site parking at a daily fee- Sauna and recreation room- All Day Dining- Kids stay & eat freeThe modernly furnished rooms and suites feature a pillow menu for a perfect night's sleep and are all equipped with a corner sofa. Start the day with a generous breakfast buffet at the hotel's modern Amaroso Restaurant with garden terrace, which also serves lunch and dinner. Relax in the sauna before enjoying a drink in the Sports Bar with Biergarten.ZahlungsmöglichkeitenAmerican Express, Cash, MasterCard, VisaMarkenHoliday InnAngebot
Der Eintrag kann vom Verlag und Dritten recherchierte Inhalte bzw. Services enthalten.
Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung
4,0 von 5 Sternen
basierend auf 3 Bewertungen
u.a. von Drittanbietern (ohne Yelp)
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- Weitere Schreibweisen der Rufnummern02131 1840, +49 2131 1840, +4921311840, 02131184002131 184184, +49 2131 184184, +492131184184, 02131184184
- Häufig gestellte FragenWelche Marken führt Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel?Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel führt die Marke(n) Holiday Inn.Wie lautet die Adresse von Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel?Die Adresse von Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel lautet: Anton-Kux-Strasse 1, 41460 NeussWie sind die Öffnungszeiten von Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel?Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel hat montags bis sonntags von 00:00 - 24:00 Uhr geöffnet.Was denken Internetnutzer über Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel?Holiday Inn Dusseldorf - Neuss, an IHG Hotel hat 3 Bewertungen mit einer Gesamtbewertung von 4.0/5.0
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