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Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel
Branche: Hotels in Berlin- Anbieter bewertenFotos hinzufügen
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- Öffnungszeiten von GOLOCAL*Montag00:00-24:00Dienstag00:00-24:00Mittwoch00:00-24:00Donnerstag00:00-24:00Freitag00:00-24:00Samstag00:00-24:00Sonntag00:00-24:00
A business hotel in Berlin city centre with a spa and conference facilities.
Crowne Plaza® Berlin - City Ctr Nurnberger Ku'damm hotel is just off the famous Kurfürstendamm shopping street.
Nearby U-Bahn station Zoologischer Garten or Wittenbergplatz provide access to Berlin Central Station or the iconic Brandenburg Gate in less than 15 minutes.
Our 13 meeting rooms include private boardrooms and a conference centre for 1, 000 guests. If you’re hosting an event, the Crowne Plaza Meetings Director can help arrange everything including catering.
Delegates travelling by air can be at Berlin Airport (BER) in 40-60 minutes.
Take a break at Berlin Zoo or the Haus der Kulturen der Welt arts centre in nearby Tiergarten park, also home to a lakeside beer garden.
Ask the concierge for advice on local jogging routes.
At this hotel you can enjoy:
- Inclusive Wi-Fi as well as Indoor
- outdoor parking for a daily fee
Our Sleep Advantage® programme offers premium bedding and Quiet Zones for a good night’s sleep.
Stay on your toes with a workout at the gym or a few laps in the indoor pool, book a treatment at the spa or wind down in the sauna.
The Wilson’s Restaurant (closed until further notice) serves a classic American menu, with terrace dining in good weather.
You can meet colleagues for a drink at Kemmons Bar. - *golocal ist offizieller Partner von Das Örtliche. Bei den genannten Informationen handelt es sich um Nutzermeldungen, die nicht redaktionell geprüft werden.
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Crowne Plaza
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Gründungsjahr1980Facebook FirmenseiteTwitter NamecrowneplazaBeschreibungA business hotel in Berlin city centre with a spa and conference facilities. Crowne Plaza® Berlin - City Ctr Nurnberger Ku'damm hotel is just off the famous Kurfürstendamm shopping street. Nearby U-Bahn station Zoologischer Garten or Wittenbergplatz provide access to Berlin Central Station or the iconic Brandenburg Gate in less than 15 minutes. Our 13 meeting rooms include private boardrooms and a conference centre for 1, 000 guests. If you’re hosting an event, the Crowne Plaza Meetings Director can help arrange everything including catering. Delegates travelling by air can be at Berlin Airport (BER) in 40-60 minutes. Take a break at Berlin Zoo or the Haus der Kulturen der Welt arts centre in nearby Tiergarten park, also home to a lakeside beer garden. Ask the concierge for advice on local jogging routes. At this hotel you can enjoy: - Inclusive Wi-Fi as well as Indoor - outdoor parking for a daily fee Our Sleep Advantage® programme offers premium bedding and Quiet Zones for a good night’s sleep. Stay on your toes with a workout at the gym or a few laps in the indoor pool, book a treatment at the spa or wind down in the sauna. The Wilson’s Restaurant (closed until further notice) serves a classic American menu, with terrace dining in good weather. You can meet colleagues for a drink at Kemmons Bar.ZahlungsmöglichkeitenAmerican Express, Cash, MasterCard, VisaMarkenCrowne PlazaAngebot
Der Eintrag kann vom Verlag und Dritten recherchierte Inhalte bzw. Services enthalten.
Durchschnittliche Gesamtbewertung
4,5 von 5 Sternen
basierend auf 7 Bewertungen
u.a. von Drittanbietern (ohne Yelp)
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- Weitere Schreibweisen der Rufnummer030 210070, +49 30 210070, +4930210070, 030210070
- Häufig gestellte FragenWelche Marken führt Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel?Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel führt die Marke(n) Crowne Plaza.Wie lautet die Adresse von Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel?Die Adresse von Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel lautet: Nürnberger Strasse 65, 10787 BerlinWie sind die Öffnungszeiten von Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel?Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel hat montags bis sonntags von 00:00 - 24:00 Uhr geöffnet.Was denken Internetnutzer über Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel?Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Ku'Damm, an IHG Hotel hat 7 Bewertungen mit einer Gesamtbewertung von 4.5/5.0
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