Profilbild Stephan A. Niklas
  • Stephan A. Niklas


  • Berufsausbildung

    Engineering Management

  • Berufserfahrung

    09.2021 - heute

    Technischer Projektleiter

    GU; international agierendes Unternehmen der Baubranche/AG
    04.2020 - 07.2021

    Bau- und Bauvertragsrecht/Kostenermittlung, VOB, HOAI auch AVA

    additional studies/focus on sharpening my knowledge further
    08.2019 - 02.2020

    Project Manager/Assigned Certifier & PSDP-Coordinator

    Ferreira Architects/Dublin, Ireland
    01.2018 - 07.2019

    Manager/BCAR Coordinator

    CCL/Collen Construction Limited; Dublin, Ireland
    06.2016 - 07.2020

    Architect/BCAR Assigned Certifier/Manager

    John Fleming Architects/Dublin, Ireland
    09.2011 - 05.2016

    Project-, Quality Assurance Manager

    M.B. McNamara Construction Limited/Professional Project Development Services
    07.2008 - 07.2011

    Projekt Steuerer

    Railway Procurement Agency/ Parkgate Business Centre, Dublin 8, Ireland
    09.2004 - 03.2008

    Architect/Project Manager

    Michael McNamara & Company/Head Office, Ormond Quay, Dublin, Ireland
    09.2003 - 09.2004

    Real Estate Professional

    Insurance and Real Estate firm Wilhelm & Kroth in Mainz/Germany
    03.2001 - 10.2001


    James Toomey Architects/Dublin, Ireland
    10.1999 - 02.2001

    Junior Architect

    Tom Carr Architects and Designers/Castlebar, Ireland
    04.1997 - 09.1997

    Apprentice Architect

    Tom Carr Architects and Designers/Castlebar, Ireland
    07.1994 - 02.1995


    Poetini + Partner/Mainz
    08.1992 - 06.1994

    Apprentice Draftsman

    architectural practice Poetini + Partner/Mainz

  • Sprachkenntnisse









  • Zusatzinformationen


    Family Life/love my children!, Fitness/My motto is SLIM! FIT! STRONG!, Health/My unique personal/physical as well as psychological health is a strong factor to enable me to produce high quality work results. Always!, Travelling., Reading., Digital-Photo-Processing., Development of positive personal lifestyle/Quality of life!, Favourable and strictly ketogenic lifestyle!, Familiarity with current/political/economic local as well as global affairs. Here always up to date and informed!, Languages!, Maximum interest/always to develop further my knowledge and experience on the personal as well as professional level., Maximum interest/always in developing further my cultural as well as lingual abilities on a national as well as international level!

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